Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Master's sun Episode 15 Preview!

Kya! kya! kya! I don't know what they say.. at least tonight I can watch them!!! hohohoho...
Happy oh Happy day~~~ :)))


Master's Sun Episode 14 : Dialogue Translation

ok, I just finish watch the Episode 14 of Master's Sun, and of course without sub.. hahaha XD [ absolutely no clue with what they talking about] but,, keep reload my tumblr,, and found this...

one of my friend on tumblr write that his/ her friend on youtube upload this short clip of episode 14, actually the video has been block right now,, so,, at least there's still a dialogue translation from the clip, I also has no chance to watch the clip, .... and because I already watched the drama with no sub, I'm a little bit understand where this short clip take place. Well, this short clip is around the end of the episode 14 that actually made me Smileee :))

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

BTS : SJS [So Ji Sub] ♥ GHJ [Gong Hyo Jin] "What's this feeling?" ( Summarize )

Hello, guys.. It's just a press conference, 
That smile from So Ji Sub is wide open already.. what happen here?
Gong Hyo Jin, tell me your secret, pleasee..

look! look! He smile again 
what exactly her secret??
Happy SJS is awesome
The only way to know GHJ secret is ask to SJS directly.

My Story during watching Master's Sun

First time I saw trailer about this drama - Master's Sun - I thought, "oh, com'on,, Horror??!! it's freakin' me out. G, I hate Horror Movie, serious! I've been avoided it since I was born.." then... IHYV ended.. No clue what to watch, so "hey, Gre.. So Ji Sub were there, The SoJiSub is happening to show up as a main actor there!!! WHY NOT??!",my mind spoke out too loud then made me click the button play,, all right....starring my screen, sitting quitely... and BoOm!
.....  ......   ....... "shock me!"
"Com'on grandma, you don't need to look so scary!, OMG, what's this??!!", then another ghost come up to the stage, another ghost come up again, and all of them look like a hell!! "Why am I have to watch this???!!"... but, wait,, SoJiSub looks so different, SJS look awesome, so cool, "GYEOJEO!" -that part, I Love It!- masochist mode on-
.... ,,,, .....
The next episode,,... SJS is smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,, He is know... SMILE with a long "e" :) :) :) :) KYA!!! where the hell you can find His gorgeous smile??!! He took me in to a dizzy area.. my head,, sesange,, my head!!

NOTE : since this drama airing, my opinion about Horror movie is a little bit change. and I'm not that scared to walk in the dark place, because I think why am I have to be scared while I can't see "them", what about people who have gift to see them, wasn't they're the person that should be scared a lot right now..

So Master's Sun please give us a lot of Happy Ending!! :)

Preview : Master's Sun Episode 14 [Gyeojeo!]

Here's the new preview of Master's Sun Episode 14! 
aaakhhh!! What is goin' on???? I can't believe I keep reload the video, try to understand what is happening in Episode 14. [English Sub Pleaseee update soon!] look the subs down there.

It seems like Jong Woon's memory is back, but... why did Tae Yang push him away?? I feel my mind is not okay right now.. akh.. headache, my this bad feeling gyeojeo!

Subs Update is ready :

JW: What are you to me?
GS: I used my very well developed sixth-sense(same pronunciation with sexiness in korean).
JW: There is no sexiness in anypart of you.
GS: You’re very rude, and overly self confident. Be careful!
GOMADAM: You didn’t forgot about our deal, did you? It will be better for you to put away normal life.
JW: Is our candy lonely and sad even in here?
Hanna(HJ): If you’re still beside me, then I’m sorry about what happened.
BADGUYOMFG: That girl…she was working for the Kingdom mall.
GS: Is he really now unneeded?
JW: Are you sure you don’t need it?(me?)
GS: I don’t need it.
JW: Turn around.
GS: yes…it’s really over now.

Translated by : aliceinwonder at soompi
Source : likever13

Monday, 23 September 2013

Master's Sun Screencaps : Episode 13 [Tae Yang?]

Did he? Did he recognize? Did he recognize Tae Yang?

Master's Sun Screencaps : Episode 13 [ A special person?]

I read to you in Korean and told you that you were a special person. – Seung Mo
{Aku membacakanmu dalam bahasa Korea dan mengatakan kepadamu bahwa kau adalah orang yang spesial.}


Review : Master's Sun [Korean Drama]

Well, I was hangout with my friend today, after a long time doesn't meet, she's a busy friend who really have a tight schedule but she's the best friend to talk and be myself around her. She's unexpectedly ask me "hey, Gre how's that drama?" while point a finger to the cover of i'm not sure what kind of magazine is that. then, I suddenly look at the cover.. "OMG!! It's Master's Sun" I freakin'ly shouted! "I love,, I love,, I love that Drama, I don't know how to explain it, but that's the Best Drama ever!!" and my friend has no clue how to shut my mouth. haha.. :))) -so be careful my friend, if you asking me about the drama that I fell in love to-

These are some cover that I found on tumblr or we hear it..

Lee Jong Suk @ Cosmetics Brand「SKIN FOOD」 (with Ha Yeon Soo)

Skin Food has renewed LJS contract!

COMMITMENT : 동창생 : The Alumnus (T.O.P "Big Bang")

Hey..Hey..Hey,, New Movie from T.O.P member of "Big Bang"  is coming to theaters in this November!!!
well, immediately took your note, and write down this movie's title.

The movie called ‘Commitment’, but the international title is 동창생 / The Alumnus. but there's also some called it "The Alumni". Aku juga gak begitu yakin apa judulnya, yah biasa kalau satu film / drama Korea pasti punya judul yang seabrek banyak nya. haha..:)))

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lee Jong Seok : Scaned Photo @ ASICS 2013 FW Catalogue

Tutorial : Cara Membuat Sub Menu Pada Menu Utama Blog

Berbagai macam tutorial yang saya jumpai dan saya praktekan mengenai "Cara Membuat Sub Menu Blog", hanya satu tutorial yang memberikan hasil yang cukup memuaskan.


Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
1. Klik menu Desain.
2. Pilih Menu Template lalu pilih menu Edit HTML 
3. Carilah Script berikut : div class='main-outer'>
note : dengan cara menekan tombol CTRL+F pada keyboard
4. Setelah dapat Copy-kan kode berikut tepat di atas script div class='main-outer'>

5. Sekian dulu. Saya akan menyempatkan waktu untuk menuliskan Tutorial penjelasan mengenai script di atas.

Tutorial : Membuat Tulisan pada Border

Pada tutorial sebelumnya telah dijelaskan cara membuat atau memodifikasi border. Namun, bagaimana cara untuk menuliskan kata-kata di dalam border tersebut, seperti gambar berikut :

Tuliskan Kata Anda Di sini

Berikut kode HTML yang dibutuhkan :

Turorial : Macam-Macam Variasi Border

Many variation of Border :


Tutorial : Modifikasi Border Sederhana

Ketika ingin membuat border untuk halaman / page saya. Saya kembali menjelajahi Google untuk mencari bentuk border yang lebih bervariasi dan tidak monoton (seperti yang sering kita jumpai, dalam bentuk kotak biasa , atau kotak yang dipertebal, dsb.). Bagi saya rasanya, yah kurang elegan saja -monoton dan tidak kreatif-. Lalu saya mencoba mencampur kedua elemen HTML dari bentuk border monoton dan bervariasi. 

When I want to make my page border, I came back searching on Google to find the texture of border that more creative. So I found two kind of border, regular border and a border that more variation. Then, I'll try to mix those HTML elements.

This is the result / Berikut hasil yang saya peroleh :

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Tutorial : Cara Mengatur Header Blog menjadi Rata Tengah

Today, aku lagi asik-asiknya ngotak-ngatik design blog ku. Buat Header sendiri, t'rus upload deh ke blog (biasa newbie. hihi..)
But weird thing happen, kenapa kok header ku malah larinya ke kiri ya, gak mau ke tengah, kenapa ya??
well,, after made my time running around the Google, I found it!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Spoiler : Master's Sun Episode 13

What I found about today's airing episode of Master's Sun Episode 13 is @#$*#$#*, bla n bla...
That's what I read in so many stress fully people on tumblr after watching it. what's is really goin' on?
here it is.

The Inheritors Teaser : Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye

The new Korean Drama from Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye!! The Inheritors!!
There's also Woo bin in it. Kya! and also one of CNBlue member no clue what's his name (forget, really really forget, biannnhee)..
I can't wait~~~~~
well, check this out! the teaser!

There's a Prince lost in my dream

This morning I woke up with a very "I have no idea" dreams. Aku lagi duduk with friends di sebuah batangan pohon di dekat pantai deh, kalau ku ingat-ingat lagi mimpinya. Lalu, ada seseorang "this prince" suddenly show up in front of me. well, awalnya I just ignore him, because I don't think that handsome creature will talk to me like "com'on seriously??" , but tiba-tiba saja dia panggil nama ku.."Grena... (otomatis aku syok la, ngapain coba?). yah, mau gak mau, tapi pastinya mau dong ya, haha.. aku perlahan-lahan menghadap ke arah suara yang menyebut namaku itu. Kepalaku langsung berbisik "ahh~ tampan...", seingatku dalam mimpi itu, aku yang super baka! ini gak ngeluarin sepatah katapun, bodoh banget gak sih tu. tapi, emang karena begitu unbelivable nya, lelaki setampan dia nyebut namaku, ya syok la ya, so I just keep bite my tongue and heard him asking me "Grena, your phone number...?" then.. Gubrakkk!!! mataku terbuka tiba-tiba, tanpa gangguan apapun, ini mata benar-benar gak bisa diajak kompromi, Stupid Eyes!!!! mimpinya bubar dah.. 
Akhhhhh!!!! Aku kesal banget, kupaksain tutup mata lagi, tapi gak ada yang muncul, gelap gulita and si Tampan gak muncul-muncul lagi. Ini mimpi apa artinya ya?... search di google pun gak ada hasilnya.. ahh~ 
Kalau ini mimpi jadi kenyataan, aku gak akan menyia-nyiakannya, Moga jadi kenyataan deh.. pleaseee....

Master's Sun Ost. "Touch Love T-Yoon Mi Rae"

The Master's Sun Ost.
Touch Love - T-Yoon Mi Rae

This is my favorite sound track from Master's Sun : Touch Love - T-Yoon Mi Rae. You probably could Download here

Life is Up Side Down

I found some quotes from this book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. I remember first time I read it when I was in senior high school. Those are some of words.

"When Everyday seems the same.
It is because we have stopped 
noticing the good things that appear in our lives."
- The Achemist 

"When there is no turning back,
then we should concern ourselves 
only with the best way of going."
- The Alchemist